Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ikaria, Part 2

The Theoktisti Monastery, high in the lush green mountains of Ikaria near the little village of Pigi, was the most unique one yet.  The chapel looks like something out of Harry Potter.  The literature claims it goes back to the 16th century and once held 100 monks.  It really is a beautiful spot, very quiet and peaceable.

The Chapel

A close-up of the chapel

The chapel contained the usual trappings of Orthodoxy

I'm guessing this was the original kitchen & possibly the mess hall as well

The lower level of the monastery complex


  1. I wonder which of the monasteries you will choose to join? Smile. I hope its one of the easier ones to reach so I can come visit you one day Jean

  2. Jean, years ago I chose to go with the one on Mount Sion, "unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, and to the general assembly and church of the first born...." (Hebrew 12:22-23)
