Saturday, February 14, 2015

Stavros the Overcomer

In 1923, during the Turkish-Greek conflict, all of the Greeks living in western Turkey had to flee for their lives.  One of them was a young lad eight or ten years old named Stavros Kuvas.  For humanitarian reasons, the English and French waited along the coast with boats for refugees. Stavros made it to one of these boats, but just as he was being pulled aboard, a Turk swung his sword and cut off both of his feet.  His entire family was killed while trying to make their escape. 

Stavros had to walk with crutches, but was eventually fitted with artificial legs below the knees.  He ended up shining shoes in Athens to make a living.  He had, I suppose, every reason to be bitter with life.  

When Stavros was in his 60's, he noticed a man who came every Friday afternoon to get his shoes shined.  One week, Stavros got up the courage to ask him where he went on Fridays.  The man said he went to a meeting where they preached the Jesus of the Bible, and invited him along.  So he waited for the shoe shiner to finish his shift and off they went.  Stavros loved what he heard, and never stopped going.

Stavros was very much loved by all the friends in Athens and was known for his big smile.  Anna said her mother had a soft spot in her heart for the handicapped man.  Stavros liked to say he had found the family he lost.

Anna Economides as told to Denita 

1 comment:

  1. hey karl and denita, i'm a bit embarrassed to only find this now but have enjoyed perusing the posts and catching up on your adventures. if i could figure out how to subscribe i totally would. in the mean time i'll keep checking back for more goodness!

